
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Proposal: Part 1

So. I'm going to propose to my girlfriend.

The problem? Well for one the ring isn't here yet, and the other? It's near high impossible to surprise her! She'll pretty much sniff it out when I try to plan something romantic or take her to some nice place, that I'm going to propose. So I thought I could make something for her, and what better thing to make for a question like "will you be my wife" than a superhero comic right?!

Anyway, right now she's on a business trip in Georgia for two weeks. So I have a little time to work on a few pages for a short book. It's perfect timing! Genius I say! I was so pleased with my awesome proposal idea that I completely forgot that making a comic book was hard work!

The things you do for love right?

The book will have to be fairly simple so I can bust it out fast before she comes back (and hopefully the ring wll be here by then).

Step one will be to make character designs. There was a comic book we saw at Wondercon that she liked the art style for, so I'm just gonna base my stuff off of that. Here's what I came up with on the first night:

The second night (tonight) I was a little fried from work and pooped out, but I still tried to plow through. I figured, I could salvage the color sketch I did and turn it into a cover. So here's my rough of that.

The interior layouts are still stewing in my head, as well as the lead-up panels to the punch line, but I'll probably do some thumbs in 2 days time. I'm working on this book kinda seat-of-my-pants, and fast, but also kind of fun!

For now, I'm typing up these posts but not putting them up online (yet) so she can't see what's going on. Hee hee. I'm so sneaky! That's it for tonight! God Bless!

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