
Friday, June 21, 2013

My Comic Book: Issue 3 Page 7 Final B & W


I finished the Black and White stage of this page! It has been an absolute fight, trying to finish this. So many things have been going on lately in my life, it's been such a hard push. My last entry for a progress update of this page was on February! It's been 4 months! Yikes...

I've finally finished you!!!
Hopefully I can keep this momentum going again.

As I was lettering this page, I decided to switch one of the word balloon into a thought bubble (the 4th panel). While working on these books, I've realized I want to incorporate some of the old techniques that comics nowadays generally don't use that much (ie. thought bubble or broken lines around a word bubble for whispering).

But my first two issues don't use this device, so I wasn't sure when would be a good time in the series to do it... and that when is now! I've been a big fan of comics' cool little visual "tricks" especially when it comes to visually depicting sound. But I think I've been so entrenched in modern comic book storytelling so much, I forget to add it to my work.

I've noticed I've also taken to writing this book like how companies tend to 'write for the trade' nowadays as well. And... I'm not sure I like that to be honest. So after this 'arc', I'm hoping to do some self contained stories in the future.

And that's it for today. Tomorrow, the wife and I get a date night to watch Man of Steel! I'm so excited! Up, up and away!

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